Motorola Milestone 2 港售 $4,080 搵鬼買?港人直上美國 Facebook 插爆

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這台 Milestone  2 拖到現在終於在港發布了。水貨 3 千頭、行貨賣4千值不值就見仁見智。但 今天不推薦大家買的原因並不是平貴的問題,是 Milestone2 的科技已經 Outdated 了! 我相信用家要 QWERTY keyboard 的早就買了 HTC Desire Z,再加上 LG Optimus 2X 過年後快到港,就連 Atrix  3 月都出貨,其後還有一大堆 Terga 2 雙核心機呢,真想不到理由為何在此刻買入此機(還有鎖 bootloader..)。再說 ,Milstone 1 的用家到今天還未有 2.2 升級,Milestone 2 更未有 2.3 的更新消息呢!  筆者只覺得此機早到 3 – 4 個月一定有不錯的成績,但現在實在太遲了。更有港人忍不住到 Motorola 美國網頁留言投訴,我們看看他們留了甚麼言 :

以下是一則對遲遲未有 Milestone Android 2.2 更新之投訴


”Moreover, we lose confidence to motorola right now, beacause we think motorola has no respect for other countries customers because no any staff and administrator to answer our question and explain why cannot upgrade.

LG was announced the new phone and the first android phones can upgrade to android 2.3 ,but why motorola let us stay at android 2.1 ? The first LG is worser than XT701 and milestone, I think.”

另一則 facebook 留言,投訴 MileStone 2 很遲才到香港變成了「二手科技」

Hong Kong people do not choose Motorola because of no choices on new android 2.2 / 2.3 phones. Many countries have promoted Milestone 2 for a long time but Hong Kong is still not provided in the market. Many people regard Milestone 2 as “second-hand technology” if the phone will finally promote in Hong Kong. I do not understand why Hong Kong is still sellng android 2.1 phones.”

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