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Steve Jobs獲頒格林美獎 表揚對音樂貢獻

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上週格林美獎的主辦單位The Recording Academy宣佈,頒發Trustees Award予Steve Jobs,表揚他對音樂業界的出色貢獻。頒獎儀式將於2月11日舉行,而且更會於2月12日的第54屆格林美頒獎典禮上正式宣佈。


Visionary, pioneer, innovator, genius — all of these words and more have been used to describe the dynamic, passionate, and driven Steve Jobs, who always believed, and often proved, that the impossible was possible. He took technology and turned it into art, becoming a key player and leader in the entertainment world, particularly music, and changing the way we all use the Internet and consume music, TV, movies, books, graphics, and more. In 2002, Apple Computer, Inc. was a recipient of the Technical GRAMMY® Award for contributions of outstanding technical significance to the recording field — which the groundbreaking company continues to achieve to this day. The world has lost an inspiring and creative inventor whose extraordinary legacy will forever remain present in our lives. Our deepest sympathies go out to his family, his friends, and the outstanding employees of Apple who will continue to honor his memory and vision.

筆者認同Steve Jobs的確對音樂行業有莫大貢獻,但對於格林美獎頒獎予Steve Jobs則有所保留,認為是「抽水」之舉。Steve Jobs實至名歸毋庸置疑,只是音樂界早在iPod初出時就對大容量的音樂播放器恨之入骨,認為數碼音樂令盜版更猖獗;而iTunes Music Store的出現,成了音樂業界賣少了CD的藉口,亦令到聽眾購買音樂的方式改變,唱片業要將收益與蘋果分享,若不是Steve Jobs的離世是2011大事,格林美獎和音樂業界還會頒獎給Steve Jobs嗎?

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