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HTC 將推出支援 PlayStation-Certified 手機

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Sony 剛在 E3 大展中發表了記者會,雖然沒有任何新遊戲平台的消息,但就傳來兩項新發佈:首先是早前一直說的 PlayStation Suite,將會被正名為 PlayStation Mobile,而這個平台將會開放給第三方廠商(Sony 以外)使用,只要該廠商的手機獲得 PlayStation-Certified 認證,就可以了,而 HTC 將是第一間第三方廠商獲得此認證,預計未來將會推出支援 PS Mobile 平台的 Android 智能手機。

其實小編一直認為 Sony 推出 PlayStation Certified 認證平台的手機,是一個不俗的概念,至少未來可以讓我們在 Android 手機上懷懷舊,玩回一些小時候愛玩的遊戲。不過 Xperia PLAY 的悲慘銷量,可能是導致 Sony 遲遲未有大規模發佈此平台及接受第三方廠商認證的原因。現在終於有 HTC 願意加入了,會否足以改變 PS Mobile 平台的命運?其他廠商又會否抱著「爭地盤」的心態紛紛加入,令 PS Mobile 平台壯大?這一切就要拭目以待了。





Thought Sony’s E3 2012 presser would be about a next-gen console? Well, sorry to disappoint you, but that doesn’t mean there’s no news on the PlayStation front, as Sony’s just informed the world that the PlayStation Suite has been renamed PlayStation Mobile. Not only that, but it’s opening PS Mobile tothird-party Android manufacturers

, and as was rumored, HTC is the first handset maker not named Sony to get certified — meaning that you’ll soon be able to get your PlayStation on using the Taiwanese outfit’s hardware. Unfortunately, we don’t know when HTC will debut its first such handset, nor when other Android makers will get in on the action, but it’s nice to see Sony finally start to share the gaming love.
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