
Whatsapp 食盡 iPhone ! 可用空間慘變 0 + 最新一鍵解決方法

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有部份 iOS 的朋友前兩天更新 Whatsapp 就發現 iPhone 的可用空間不斷減少甚至扣到 0 ,有的更加是不停彈 app。解除方法如下 :


舊方法 (今天已經可以不用)

1. Download and launch Fiddler (http://www.telerik.com/fiddler) on your computer.
2. Click the Tools menu and select Fiddler Options.
3. Select HTTPS tab at the top, and put a check mark on “Decrypt HTTPS traffic” and follow it up by clicking Yes if a popup appears reading “Scary Text Ahead!”.
4. Click the Actions button and select Export Root Certificate to Desktop. You will be notified that the “FiddlerRoot.cer” certificate file has been exported to the desktop. Click OK, and then OK again to get back to the main Fiddler interface.
5. Without exiting Fiddler, locate the exported certificate file on your Desktop and right click on it and then click Install Certificate. Now click Next followed by selecting Place all certificates in the following store, and clicking on the Browse button.
6. From the resultant certificate store list, select Trusted Root Certification Authoritiesand click OK.
7. Once the location is set, click Next and hit the Finish button.

8. Now launch iTunes, and make sure you’re signed in with your Apple ID
9. Search “WhatsApp”
10. Open Fiddler > click “Rules” > “Automatic Breakpoints” > “Before Requests”
11. Go back to iTunes > download WhatsApp
12. Go back to Fiddler > on the left panel, highlight “p6-buy.iTunes…..” > click green button “Run to Completion”, a new “p6-but.iTunes…..” will appear underneath, highlight it
13. Click “Raw” tab on the right panel
14. Under “<key>appExtVrsId</key>”, change the “<string>816309281</string>” to “<string>815681537</string>”
15. Click “Rules” > “Automatic Breakpoints” > “Disabled”
16. Highlight “p6-buy.iTunes….” again, click “Run to Completion”
17. Done, older version WhatsApp should now start downloading in iTunes, sync it to your iPhone.
18. Remember to disable auto update in iPhone

新方法:更新 2.12.15

Step 1: App Store 更新

Whatsapp 終於推出 2.12.15 更新。如果你的手機已變成 0 空間不能更新,請先移除其他 apps 清空一些空間


Step 2:重啟

按關機鍵幾秒,關機再開,開機後進入設定>一般>儲存空間與 iCloud 用量,現在可用空間應該變回來。

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