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小米智能攝影機看到其他人家畫面  Google急停與米家產品連接

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更新(2020.1.3 16:20):小米發表官方聲明,表示問題由 2019 年 12 月尾推出的攝影機系統更新造成。小米指他們已經同 Google 共同解決了此問題,並暫停了相關服務,直至問題的根本原因能夠解決為止。


家居監視器可讓用戶在外留意家中情況,家中出現盜賊或其他問題都能夠作為記錄。不過小米米家產品近來就出了大烏龍,其家居智能攝影機連接到 Google Home 系統,用家竟然會看到其他人家攝影機的畫面。Google 在接報後馬上停止了與米家產品的連結。



有外國討論區 Reddit 網民「u/Dio-V」上載影片表示,他把鏡頭連接了 Google Home 系統後,看到除了自己家中的情況之外,更會隨機出現其他不知道是誰家的畫面,包括有其他人的客廳、嬰兒床等等。Google 社群主任馬上對這帖文作出回應,並馬上聯絡到事主進行跟進。


Google 表示現時已暫停了對米家服務的連接,並與米家尋求解決方法。米家攝影機用戶目前已經不能在 Google Home 上面看到攝影機拍到的畫面,只會出現「currently unavailable」的字樣。



有 Reddit 網民講笑指事主「無意中開啟了中國政府的秘密模式」,有不少同樣有安裝監視器的用戶感到擔憂,但亦有人指或許是一種程式錯誤,抓取了臨時記憶體中的影像。但最終都要留待 Google 或小米出面解釋,才能釋除到用戶對於智能家居監視器的疑慮。



小米對此事作出了官方回應,表示小米始終將用戶的私隱與訊息安全放在首位,他們發現 Google Home 上連接「米家無線網絡攝影機 基礎版」產品時會有極小的機率出現串流畫面問題。對用戶造成不便,小米表示深切的歉意。小米指發現事件後採取行動解決此問題,並已得到解決。他們在調查中發現由 2019 年 12 月 26 日開始測試,為提升相機串流流量的更新,導致了快取記憶體發生問題。小米指這種問題只有在「米家無線網絡攝影機 基礎版」與 Google Home 同時使用,並在網絡連接狀態不佳的情況下發生。小米調查後發現有 1,044 位用戶發生相關問題。他們在與 Google 溝通後,目前已經暫停該服務,直到問題能夠根本解決為止,並確保事件不會再次發生。




Statement: Xiaomi has always prioritized our users’ privacy and information security. We are aware there was an issue of receiving stills while connecting Mi Home Security Camera Basic 1080p on Google Home hub. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused to our users.


Our team has since acted immediately to solve the issue and it is now fixed. Upon investigation, we have found out the issue was caused by a cache update on December 26, 2019, which was designed to improve camera streaming quality. This has only happened in extremely rare conditions. In this case, it happened during the integration between Mi Home Security Camera Basic 1080p and the Google Home Hub with a display screen under poor network conditions.


We have also found 1044 users were with such integrations and only a few with extremely poor network conditions might be affected. This issue will not happen if the camera is linked to the Xiaomi’s Mi Home app.


Xiaomi has communicated and fixed this issue with Google, and has also suspended this service until the root cause has been completely solved, to ensure that such issues will not happen again.



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