日前跟大家提及過iPhone 4訂單無故被取消事件,原來所有未出貨的用家均有機會「中招」,日期由九月初至前日,可以說是人人有份永不落空。被取消的訂單無論是一部或多部、16GB或32GB均有份,只要是Apple認為你曾經多次訂䐟便會「有殺錯無放過」,所以有機會初次只訂一部的用家也會中招,被炒家拖累。但對於真正想訂機使用的人仕會是一大福音,相信可以更快收到訂購的iPhone 4。
Dear Apple Online Store Customer,
Thank you for your recent Apple order.
To ensure that all customers are given the opportunity to acquire iPhone, we have limited the quantity available per customer. Our records indicate that you’ve exceeded this limit for iPhone orders, therefore this order has been cancelled.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Apple Online Store Customer Support
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