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男星 Zachary Levi、芝麻街 Bert 提你擺低手機享受大自然

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我們有多久沒有到公園或郊外走走呢?美劇《Chuck》男星 Zachary Levi 早前聯同兒童節目《芝麻街》的 Bert,拍攝了 MV《A Lovely Sunny Day》,提提大家放下手機平板,暫時遠離社交網絡,去公園享受一下陽光、清新空氣和一片綠色。

歌詞內出現了不少科技產品和用語,語帶雙關藍天白雲、唱歌的小鳥都比時常在線,依賴虛擬的社交網絡和科技更好。天文台的 7 天天氣預告說下週都會下雨,如果明天有短暫天晴的話,不如到公園走走。以下為《A Lovely Sunny Day》MV 和歌詞。

Every day I sit right there
Sit and stare and check my Facebook, email, Instagram
Chatting with my friends and making plans.
But on days with lots of sun
I say goodbye to everyone online
And say hello, cuz I know there’s a place where all the

Bees are always buzzing ’bout the flowers they have seen.
And every tree is trending,
I don’t miss my little screen, because

The sky won’t need a filter
And the birds tweet just to say:
You should really take a walk on this lovely sunny day.

In the park I reconnect
Take some time to self-reflect
Yo, this Snapchat is going to be cray!
No hashtag selfie, put that thing away.


The pigeons make it feel like home
Follow me and we can can roam
Across the grass and see
That now we’re running faster than 4G!

On the playground there’s a million games to play.
We don’t need a fancy tablet with a
retina display.


The Bees are always buzzing ’bout the flowers they have seen.
And every tree is trending,
I don’t miss my little screen, because
The sky won’t need a filter
And the birds tweet just to say:
You should really take a walk on this lovely sunny day.

Just look up and there will be
Bright blue skies, don’t need a
Weather app to tell you that.
Subscription to this cloud is free.

Bees are always buzzing ’bout the flowers they have seen.
And every tree is trending,
I don’t miss my little screen, because
The sky won’t need a filter
And the birds tweet just to say:

You should really take a walk on this lovely sunny day.


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