早前 unwire 報導過有部份 SONY 手機新購買時或更新後會加入百度資料夾,無法刪除之餘更會自動連線至國內地區。SONY 技術支援及開發主管近日就作出回應:
Xperia 的內含百度事件引發各地討論,不少用戶前往官方支援站 Xperia Care 尋找答案及解決方案。而在近日 SONY 兩名員工,分別是 Xperia 支援部的 Rickard 及開發部主管 Magnus 都在討論區上作出回應,表示用戶不需擔心。
簡單而言,內含百度程式其實是為了顧及中國內地的使用者,透過百度的 Push Notification 以便使用到像 Find My Phone 功能的 My Xperia 服務 (因為國內無法使用 Google 的雲端訊息服務)。Rickard 表示 Xperia 手機不會將機內任何用戶資料傳送給百度。而 Xperia 稍後亦會提供更新,只讓國內版本的 Xperia 手機才內含百度資料夾。他亦表示這個百度服務是業內通用的,其他 3rd Party App 都可能內含了這些百度服務。
Rickard – Sony Xperia Support
“I’ve had some further feedback from the guys in our development team. I can confirm that Xperia phones don’t store any user data for transmission to Baidu. The MyXperia app supports both Google Cloud Messaging service and the Baidu Push Notification framework, as do many third party apps, to make sure we can support our China customers as well as those in the rest of the world. Both get automatically initialised when you first activate MyXperia. The IP activity you are seeing is just linked to Baidu’s push notification system, which is an expected behaviour for this application.”
Future updates of MyXperia will be optimised so the Baidu Push Notification framework is only initialized in Mainland China variants of Xperia devices. But as these services are common standards in the industry, other 3rd party applications may also include Baidu Push Notifications or other Baidu services, resulting in the Baidu folder being shared between such applications. Sony Mobile fully reassures all its customers that MyXperia uses a push notification system and does not store any user data for transmission to Baidu.”
Magnus Hilding – Lead Developer of MyXperia at Sony Mobile
“We built the app using both protocols to ensure both our Chinese and global users could enjoy MyXperia. However, we’ve designed later versions to package the service relevant to a specific region only – these updates are right around the corner, rolling out soon.”
Sony Xperia VII 相機將有大升級 全配置 Exmor T 感光元件提升攝力 百度宣佈啟動深度搜尋功能 4 月 1 日起免費開放「文心一言」AI 模型