Special Agent Danny Banks, with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, holds a pellet gun used by a 15-year-old student to threaten classmates and hold sheriff's deputies at bay at Milwee Middle School in Seminole County, Fla., Friday, Jan. 13, 2006. Members of a SWAT team from the Seminole County Sheriff's Office shot and wounded the student, who brandished the weapon that appeared to be a 9mm handgun, but was actually a pellet pistol modified to look like an actual firearm. (AP Photo/Brian Myrick)
自拍潮流席捲全球,為了拍攝漂亮的 Selfie,有人會購買新手機,有人甚至走去整容。最近就有一名俄羅斯女生因為自拍而差點喪命,全因為她希望拍攝一幅難得的 Selfie。
這位 21 歲俄羅斯女生據說在辦公室拾到了一柄手槍保安人員不慎留下的 9mm 手槍,她於是想到將手槍指著頭部自拍。她萬萬料不到手槍並沒有鎖上保險制,手槍突然走火並擊中她的頭部。雖然並沒有因此喪命但情況危殆。
這並非首次有人持槍自拍出事,去年 8 月另一名 21 歲墨西哥男生同樣用槍指着頭部自拍,最後槍枝走火喪生。
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