人工智能的學習能力一向令人又驚又喜,放手讓他們接觸網上世界等材料,往往帶來奇怪的結果。最近有人嘗試讓 Google 的人工智能學習愛情小說的內容,之後提出對話,結果性格變得很病態。
一個研究隊伍最近嘗試把 Google 的人工智能系統,放在有 3,000 本愛情小說的資料庫中學習,然後試試到底與這個人工智能對話會是什麼樣子。在學習結束之後,團隊要求人工智能寫出一段由 13 個句子組成,開始需要與「I’m fine(我很好)」有關,然後以「But you need to talk to me now.(但你現在要和我談談。)」結束的對話,首個結果如下:
there is no one else in the world.(世上沒有其他的人)
there is no one else in sight. (眼中沒有其他的人)
they were the only ones who mattered. (他們曾經是唯一要緊的人)
they were the only ones left. (他們是曾經留下的人)
he had to be with me. (他要和我在一起)
she had to be with him. (她要和他在一起)
i had to do this. (我需要這樣做)
i wanted to kill him. (我想殺掉他)
i started to cry. (我開始哭)
i turned to him. (我轉身向着他)
這段令人心寒的詩句就是 Google 人工智能的答案。研究團隊表示這測試的目標是想人工智能思考不同的方式造出短句,然後決定最具邏輯的一個。如果這個很嚇人,可以看看其他的結果:
“i want to talk to you.” (「我想和你談談」)
“i want to be with you.” (「我想跟你在一起」)
“i don’t want to be with you.” (「我不想跟你在一起」)
i don’t want to be with you. (我不想跟你在一起)
she didn’t want to be with him. (他不想跟她在一起)
no. (不)
he said. (他說)
“no,” he said. (「不,」他說)
“no,” i said. (「不,」我說)
“i know,” she said. (「我知道,」她說)
“thank you,” she said. (「多謝,」她說)
“come with me,” she said. (「跟我來,」她說)
“talk to me,” she said. (「跟我談,」她說)
“don’t worry about it,” she said. (「不要擔心,」她說)
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