Sony 跟黑客之間的決鬥已經令 PSN 停止運作近三星期,早前 SONY 公布 PSN 無限期暫定服務。剛剛官方 blog 貼出了一則最新的通告,指他們明白到很多人對 PSN 重開日期感興趣,但他們現階段未能給予一個實際的重開時間,只能說就算重重,最快的也要等幾天後才可。Sony 跟駭客之間的鬥爭,誰是誰非我們不方便評論,但筆者希望 SONY 能盡快重開 PSN ,因為欠缺 PSN 導致超過 7500 萬名用家受影響,對戰、短訊等服務通通暫停。
PSN Restoration Timeline Update
+ Posted by Patrick Seybold // Sr. Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media
I know you all want to know exactly when the services will be restored. At this time, I can’t give you an exact date, as it will likely be at least a few more days. We’re terribly sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work through this process.
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