Samsung 似乎真的有以不同尺寸的 Android 智能手機稱霸的意圖,繼推出 5.3 吋的 Galaxy Note 後,又再向「細」稱霸,推出屏幕只有 2.8 吋的 Galaxy Pocket,從名稱已可知道此機目標是主打喜歡手機體積細,可以輕鬆放於口袋中的用家,而且從它只採用 800MHz 處理器、200 萬像素鏡頭、3GB 內存空間、採用 Android 2.3 作業系統及 TouchWiz 介面看來,明顯主打入門級市場,相信此機真正推出時,售價一定十分便宜。
不知道此機會否在香港推出?因為從 Samsung 新聞稿看到,此機將會在今年稍後在英國推出,筆者希望它有機會在港推出吧,這樣對於從未接觸過 Android 手機,但又想試一試,不過又不想花費太多的準用家來說,應是頗為吸引的。以下為 Samsung 發佈的新聞稿原文:
SAMSUNG INTRODUCES THE GALAXY POCKETNew addition to the Galaxy portfolio provides affordable option for customers6th March 2012, London, UK – Samsung Electronics today announces the latest addition to its Android powered Galaxy portfolio, the Galaxy Pocket. Featuring AndroidTM 2.3, this new smartphone offers those on the lookout for a new handset, a stylish portable option.The Galaxy Pocket’s slim design makes it ideal for use whilst on the move and features a 2.8″ display so that content and images can be viewed easily. The device features an upgraded TouchWiz user interface making menu navigation a smooth and efficient experience.Connecting with others and sharing content is quick and easy thanks to the Galaxy Pocket’s social networking and communication features. Samsung’s ChatON cross-platform communication service connects all phone users into a single community, enabling spontaneous messaging, group chatting and content sharing so customers can stay in touch more easily.In addition, the Galaxy Pocket’s Social Hub enables owners to see their Instant Messaging, social network and email communications in a single inbox for added convenience when they are travelling to and from work or out shopping.The Galaxy Pocket offers 3GB of user memory, which can be expanded by a SD memory card up to an additional 32GB, for applications, MP3 files and photos, as well as an in-built FM radio which can be tuned into a favourite station. Integrated high-speed Wi-Fi and HSDPA 3.6 connectivity mean multimedia content can be downloaded fast and keep owners entertained whilst they’re out and about.Simon Stanford, Vice President, UK & IRE Telecommunications & Networks Division: “With the Samsung Galaxy Pocket, we are building on the features we know our customers enjoy and get the most out of. This new device adds further breadth to the choice of smartphones we currently offer and provides a smartphone experience for even more customers at an affordable price.”The Galaxy Pocket will be available in the UK later this year.
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