LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 25: Prime Minister Boris Johnson leaves 10 Downing Street for PMQ's on March 25, 2020 in London, England. British parliament will be suspended tonight due to concerns about the spread of COVID-19. It had previously been scheduled to break for Easter on March 31; it will tentatively sit again on April 21. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has spread to at least 182 countries, claiming over 18,000 lives and infecting hundreds of thousands more. (Photo by Peter Summers/Getty Images)
英國首相約翰遜(Boris Johnson)早前確診患上肺炎,現病情惡化,於 4 月 6 日轉入醫院深切治療部(ICU),已授權外相藍韜文(Dominic Raab)必要時暫代首相職務。
英國首相府在周一(6 日)晚發表聲明,指感染武漢肺炎的約翰遜當日下午病情惡化,故在當地晚上 7 點左右轉入倫敦聖多馬醫院(St Thomas’ Hospital)深切治療部。聲明交代,約翰遜仍在醫院接受觀察,目前仍然清醒,並將繼續在醫院接收最新消息以及進行工作簡報。
據 BBC 報道,約翰遜轉入深切治療部前,醫院曾為他提供氧氣,但英國首相府指約翰遜並未需要用到呼吸機,指相關消息仍俄羅斯造謠,為虛假信息。
約翰遜在 3 月 26 日確診患上武漢肺炎,之後實施在家自我隔離,惟持續發燒 10 日不下,終在周日(5 日)入院求醫。
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