據外國媒體報導,SONY 熱門動畫《Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse》續集《Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse》發佈新海報,香港將於 6 月 1 日上映,外媒已搶先試睇,並對這集 Spider-Man 讚譽有嘉。
▲《Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse》海報(圖片來源:Sina)
著名影評網站 CinemaBlend 的主筆 Sean O’Connell 盛讚新一集 Spider-Man ,他表示這套可能是他最喜歡的電影,更稱這集 Spider-Man「是一部真正的藝術品,每一格都值得掛在博物館收藏。」
OK. #SpiderManAcrossTheSpiderVerse lives one step above Masterpiece. It's an actual work of art. Every frame deserves to be hung in a museum. The jokes and nods to Spidey lore are perfect. It's OUTSTANDING. The best #SpiderMan movie. Might be my favorite movie ever. Cherish it. pic.twitter.com/mQxSnfKF0N
— Sean O'Connell (@Sean_OConnell) May 25, 2023
The Hollywood Reporter 的 Brian Davids 稱「它(這集 Spider-Man)比我預期的更黑暗、更悲傷,但卻是必要的。」
#SpiderManAcrossTheSpiderVerse is yet another resounding win for the Lord Miller-produced universe. Hailee Steinfeld really comes into her own as Gwen Stacy, and her scenes with Shea Whigham's Captain Stacy are truly special. It's darker and sadder than I expected, but necessary. pic.twitter.com/BekW4nVAyv
— Brian Davids (@PickYourBrian) May 25, 2023
而 Rotten Tomatoes 的影評人 Tessa Smith 則稱讚今集 Spider-Man,更指這集 Spider-Man 超越了以往的水準,並認為這集 Spider-Man 非常驚艷。
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse raised the bar with its unique animation style & way of storytelling. Minds were blown when it was released & fans thought there was no way it could be topped. Think again. #SpiderManAcrossTheSpiderVerse raises its own bar which seemed impossible pic.twitter.com/F1Tay5Aif6
— Tessa Smith – Mama's Geeky (@MamasGeeky) May 25, 2023
雖然主流聲音都對本集 Spider-Man 讚不絕口,但有人喜歡,亦當然會有人不喜歡。The Week Media 總編 Eze Baum 就認為故事性不夠強,並表示這集 Spider-Man 就只是為了服務粉絲般,而且 Eze Baum 表示覺得故事太簡單,很容易就能夠猜到結局。
As much as I wanted to love #SpiderManAcrossTheSpiderVerse, it fails to come close to where the original is for me, mainly due to the fact that it prioritizes fan service over a strong story. It truly feels like the first entry in a two-part story and gets predictable as it ends. pic.twitter.com/AkWfozNPxn
— Eze (@EzeBaum) May 25, 2023
《Spider-Man Across the Spider-verse》將在 6 月 1 日率先在港上映,有興趣的朋友可以留意一下。
HMD 夥拍 Marvel 推出 《毒魔:終極一舞》特別版手機