15 歲生日,收到 iPad 做生日禮物,當然開心,但美國一名少女,收到媽媽的 iPad 後,不只是驚喜,還十分驚訝!她打開了 iPad 的包裝盒後發現,同樣是「Pad」,但就變成了不折不扣的 NotePad!
主人翁 Bobbi Linden,日前在 Wal-Mart 買了一部 iPad 給女兒作 15 歲的生日禮物,但開盒後發現,內裡只有一本 NotePad,完全貨不對辦,懷疑被偷龍轉鳳。Linden 隨後回到 Wal-Mart 向經理退款投訴,但擾攘了兩小時也不得要領,最後透過總公司追蹤確認了 Linden 是受害者,並會向他們退款,還會免費送上新的 iPad。事件人 Wal-Mart 發言人表示,已經向警方報案,並提供監視器的錄影片段翻查問題,另外亦出告示向受害人致歉。
Wal-Mart 告示
With the information you provided us, we were able to trace the product history and determine that this is a case involving a fraudulent return. Unfortunately it resulted in an innocent customer falling victim to a scam artist’s greed.
It appears someone previously purchased the iPad, removed the contents and resealed it in a manner that clearly resembles factory packaging. We have reviewed our surveillance video to see if we can find out who is responsible for this and we are sharing that information with local law enforcement in hopes that whoever is behind this is held responsible for their selfish acts.
We never want our customers to have a bad experience and we want to focus on doing what is right for the customer. We are in the process of reaching out to Ms. Linden to offer her a full refund, a new iPad and an apology for the mix-up. (Dianna Gee, Spokesperson)
Apple 研發可摺疊裝置 大如兩塊 iPad Pro 目標 2028 年推出 全球平板出貨升 11% iPad 接近零增長市佔率下跌