根據外國媒體報導,Amazon 傳聞將會在今年推出 8.9 吋版的 Kindle Fire,但關於這部裝置的規格,暫時仍未清楚,只知道此機可能採用四核心處理器。這段消息由 BGR 網站傳出,而該網站去年五月亦曾報導 Amazon 正在研發兩部平板電腦機款:一部是開發代號為「Coyote」的 7 吋機款,而另一部就是開發代號為「Hollywood」的 10 吋機款。前者已於去年 11 月以 Kindle Fire 名稱推出發售,而代號為「Hollywood」的 10 吋機款,屏幕最終被縮細為 8.9 吋,預計將會在今年年中推出。根據往績,該網站的可信性也頗高。
其實去年推出 Kindle Fire 時,在香港也引來一輪搶購潮,不知道今年如果真的推出 8.9 吋後續機款,又會否繼續備受港人支持呢?
Amazon is reportedly preparing to launch an updated 7-inch Kindle Fire alongside a brand new 9-inch tablet this summer. Pacific Crest analyst Chad Bartley on Thursday raised his full-year Kindle Fire shipment forecast to 14.9 million units, up from his earlier estimate of 12.7 million. “We believe there is an upward bias, particularly from the new 7- and 9-inch models, which we expect to launch in mid-2012,” Bartley wrote in a note to clients. BGR exclusively reported last May that Amazon was working on two tablet models, the 7-inch “Coyote” that ended up launching at the Kindle Fire last November, and the quad-core 10-inch “Hollywood.” A later report would suggest that Amazon tweaked its tablet roadmap, however, pushing the release of its 10-inch model back in order to first launch a new 8.9-inch tablet. Bartley also lowered his shipment estimates on Amazon’s E Ink Kindle eReaders from 28.6 million units to 24 million units.
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