E3 展上相信大部份人都只記得發佈會上的 FF7 及莎木。那其實實際到場觀展的各大傳媒,又對哪些遊戲感到滿意呢?集合 38 大傳媒投票的 Game Critics Awards 就有了結果:
今年 Game Critics Awards 集合 Gamespot、Polygon、Wire、Fortune、IGN、PC Gamer、Gamers Radar、Kotaku、Los Angeles Times 等,大大小小共 38 個外國媒體對 E3 的遊戲進行投票。當中 Bethesda 人氣極高的 Fallout 4 成功取得 Best of Show、Best PC Game 及 Best RPG 3 大獎項,而 Naughty Dog 的 Uncharted 4 亦不負眾望,取得 Best Console Game、Best Action Game 及 Special Commendation for Graphics 3 大獎項,以下提供詳細列表:
Best of Show
Fallout 4
(Bethesda Game Studios/Bethesda for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
Best Original Game
Horizon Zero Dawn
(Guerrilla Games/Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 4)
Best Console Game
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
(Naughty Dog/Sony Computer Entertianment for PlayStation 4)
Best Handheld/Mobile Game
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
(Nintendo for 3DS)
Best PC Game
Fallout 4
(Bethesda Game Studios/Bethesda for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
Best Hardware/Peripheral
Oculus Touch
(Oculus VR)
Best Action Game
Star Wars Battlefront
(DICE/EA for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
Best Action/Adventure Game
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
(Naughty Dog/Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 4)
Best Role Playing Game
Fallout 4
(Bethesda Game Studios/Bethesda for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
Best Racing Game
Need for Speed
(Ghost Games/EA for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
Best Sports Game
(EA Canada/EA Sports for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
Best Family/Social Game
Super Mario Maker
(Nintendo EAD/Nintendo for Wii U)
Best Online Multiplayer
Star Wars Battlefront
(DICE/EA for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
Best Independent Game
No Man’s Sky
(Hello Games for PC, PlayStation 4)
Special Commendation for Graphics
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
(Naughty Dog/Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 4)
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