ChatGPT 一推出便引起廣大關注,不過近期卻傳出安全隱患,令多個國家、機構陸續禁用ChatGPT。然而新冒起的 AI 機械人 AutoGPT,聲稱能執行與人類智力水平當相的任務,使其連續多日成為 Twitter 熱門話題之一。
AutoGPT 由 Significant Gravitas 開發,並於 3 月 30 日發布至 GitHub。利用 ChatGPT-4 作驅動基礎的 AutoGPT 允許 AI「自主行動」,因此能在幾乎沒有人類干預的情況下分析及執行任務,只需向 Auto-GPT 表明最終目標,Auto-GPT 便能自動產生完成任務所需的每一個引令。
Wow, #AutoGPT is trending #1 on Twitter!
Also top of the week on GitHub trending, where we've just reached 30k stars! 🤯
So great to see how inspired everyone is, very exited for the future of humanity.
Big things are coming. 👀
— Toran Bruce Richards (@SigGravitas) April 12, 2023
凡是 ChatGPT 能做到的要求,AutoGPT 都可做到,甚至做得更好,而需要輸入的指令亦較 ChatGPT 少。有用家在 Twitter 上分享使用 AutoGPT 的經驗,稱 AutoGPT 能真正為用家提供具建設性的答案和幫助,其中有人利用 AutoGPT 制作應用程式、創業,以及提供醫療、健康等建議。
Just when I thought AI couldn't get any more impressive, AutoGPT and AI Agents blows my mind 🤯
Here, AI agent performs product research and creates a summary on the top headphones.
This is insane! And the craziest part is that it's powered by GPT-4.
— Sai Rahul (@sairahul1) April 13, 2023
If u thought #ChatGPT was scary, wait till u hear about #AutoGPT!
AutoGPT may be the next big step towards #AGI that may revolutionize the way we work even more than ChatGPT alone did.
⁰In short AutoGPT uses GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 via API to create full projects by iterating on…— Alvin Foo (@alvinfoo) April 12, 2023
#AutoGPT is the new disruptive kid on the block- It can apply #ChatGPT's reasoning to broader, more intricate issues requiring planning & multiple steps.
Still early but very impressive with many health and biomedicine applications.
Just tried #AgentGPT and asked it to…
— Daniel Kraft, MD (@daniel_kraft) April 12, 2023
不過 AutoGPT 僅支援特定軟件及需要用家具備一定的 Python 認知,較 ChatGPT 複雜。用家需先註冊 Github 及安裝 Python,再下載 Docker 軟件,然後於 OpenAI 獲取 API金鑰。最後便從 GitHub 中複製 AutoGPT 儲存庫,並按 AutoGPT 儲存庫頁面中指示執行,便可使用 AutoGPT。
【教學】AI 幫你製作動漫人物頭像 一個指令助你化身進擊的巨人 【教學】Safari 直接用 ChatGPT 搜尋 無須帳戶、一鍵連接 ChatGPT 研究發現沉迷 ChatGPT 或導致寂寞 一般話題比私人話題更易引起依賴
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